An Article on
Sharon Forrest
By Roxanne Davies, Researcher (1992)
An asthmatic woman is able to breathe
without medication for the first time in twenty years. A man
with aggressive melanoma cancer releases blocked childhood fears
and anxieties, as well as a chronic cough, and feels hopeful of
conquering his illness. A woman undergoes a past-life
regression, which explains the mystery of a current illness and
is healed.
These are only three of the many people who have been helped by
taking a healing workshop with Sharon Forrest.
"Life-changing' is the best way to describe her work.
Throughout history there have been people who have demonstrated
special gifts of healing and a desire to help others.
Often these individuals enter the helping professions - the
clergy, medicine and teaching.
Forrest incorporates all of these spheres. She knew that she was
a healer since the age of five. Over the years her curiosity has
taken her down many paths. Today this master healer, certified
clinical hypnotherapist and certified nutritionist with a
background in naturopathic medicine, transpersonal and spiritual
psychology has a wealth of knowledge to bring to her healing
work. Most importantly, Forrest' blends healing and science with
love and laughter. She is fondly called "Miracle Lady" and the
"Bratty Angel"! Her own private life has provided the fodder for
understanding of how health and emotions are connected. Sexually
and emotionally abused as a child, she confronted her past and
also healed the issues around her abusers. Forrest' has suffered
numerous health problems including Lupus and chronic lung
problems, and has been given the death rites numerous times.
Sharon has healed herself totally. She has demonstrated the
ability to do that for others.
With her unique insights into the many facets of human
experience, she can identify the emotional blocks and scars that
are like a tight straight - jacket of the soul.
The noted American writer Susan Sontag noted "Any important
disease whose casualty is murky, and for which treatment is
ineffective, tends to be a wash in significance." In many cases
where physical treatment fails, it is because of an underlying
emotional blueprint that registers fear, mistrust, rejection and
abuse. This can result in chronic illness, failed relationships,
addictions, negative behavior patterns. It is now believed that
although psychotherapy has enjoyed limited success, it tends to
spin out the problem without lasting effect of complete
resolution. Forrest's workshops and private counseling sessions
often begin where others leave off. |
For instance, Forrest's therapy has shown great success using
hypnotherapy to guide the person back to painful memories, shehelps to gain a new perspective on the
situation. Was a woman abused by a father who himself was
abused? Is a man who continues to fail at work simply reliving
the expectations of his parents? Forrest is currently
using anew innovative technique and having tremendous results
with it. She is able to take the client back into the womb and
even a past life in order to find the underlying cause of
current illness, as well as emotional and physical pain. By
finding these underlying causes she can, many times, get the
client to release the old pattern and |