Unique  Mystical  Powerful  Personal  Impacting
Sacred Journeys22 continued...

With an open heart and mind we invite you to join us on this magical journey to uncover the ancient mysteries of these advanced
cultures and the potential that lies hidden within you. I only wish that we could convey through the itinerary the depth of knowledge
and experience that goes into this Sacred Journey and the warmth, genuineness and authenticity of the native people and healers
that you will meet.

Thank you for visiting our website. I am very grateful for the opportunity to connect with you. I want to personally thank you for
the Light you are adding to the World and for the courage to stand in your Truth. Please take advantage of this remarkable
opportunity, as I am certain you will be delighted that you did! Listen to your heart, answer the call!

Call now to reserve your place.

You deserve it!


Our Journeys are very personal, deeply impacting and life altering!

People continue to rejoin us on our Sacred Journeys, many have participated 3, 4 and 6 times! Curiously, all of them had in their various and unique ways expressed feeling a mysterious soul-level urgency to participate in one or more of our Sacred Journeys, as if something far beyond their own personal agendas were at work here. I, too, am at a loss to explain any of it: I know only that some deeply instinctual prompting compels me to continue facilitating these unique and life enhancing Sacred Journeys.

Don't let us leave without you!
Call now to register!


A Safe Harbor with Dr. Sharon Forrest for those who are ready to heal!