Kitsilano, Vancouver B.C. On-Going Evening Event ~ Every Monday 7-9pm

A Safe Harbor for those who are ready to heal!

Are you or someone you care about a survivor of childhood abuse and/or domestic violence? Statistics reveal that a large percentage of women and men were abused in some way by age eighteen. Proper identification and effective treatment for all ramifications of abuse
and trauma are essential to establishing and/or restoring physical and emotional health for the survivor. Are your childhood
memories of joy, laughter, adventure or fear, rejection, neglect, violence, or abuse? Or...too many forgotten memories and vague
bits of "unfinished business?" Whatever your experience, even if your conscious memories are lost or suppressed, they are still
there. They are recorded in your body and subconscious. They are a very real part of you and play a large role in your daily life.

Actively participate in reclaiming your power, your sense of Self, and your life. Go from Surviving to Thriving
and living your Life's Purpose!!
Healing happens in a warm nurturing environment with each tear and secret shared, and all the little kindnesses that whispers someone cares, understands, has been there and is now thriving.  We will be working with and healing mental, physical, emotional and sexual abuse plus neglect and other traumas. This program is geared to: professionals and nonprofessionals, anyone who knows or suspects they have been abused, or knows someone who has; anyone desiring to understand, finally reach resolution, heal and move on.  Abuse and trauma are complex issues that need to be addressed on all levels: emotional, physical, spiritual, social and cognitive. In a safe and confidential environment you will have many opportunities to discover how abuse and trauma, past or present, affect all areas of your life. This supportive gathering will empower you to move beyond what happened, to experience a happier, healthier more productive life. Learn about the various types of abuse, their signs and symptoms.  Ascertain what physical/emotional symptoms and illnesses can be caused by living in an abusive environment.  Discover common long-term effects of childhood abuse and how they manifest in all areas of adult life. Learn effective ways of dealing with these issues.  Break multi-generational patterns. Understand and eliminate feelings of guilt, anger, poor self-image, depression.  Live a happier, healthier lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones.

Call this toll free number for more information 1-800-344-2750




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