
Dr. Forrest |
Only for those who are ready to heal and be all
they can |
be! Do you occasionally cry out, "Why is this happening to
me again and again?" "Why me God?" or "What did I do to |
deserve this?" Do you question why you have a certain
disease |
or reoccurring problem? Can you detect a pattern in your
relationships or your family? Do you sometimes wonder why |
you were born or what your Life Mission is? Is it possible
that by exploring your childhood, past lives and womb
you can gain insight and heal the problems in your adult life?
Do these experiences influence all you
relationships - even with yourself? Whether we are aware of it
or not, they do!
Can you find solutions to sabotaging patterns,
chronic diseases, depression, relationships, |
anger, fear, aches and pains? Yes! Would you like to break
multigenerational patterns |
and empower your family and loved ones to heal? Would you like to heal abuse |
and or certain areas of your life? Is this possible?
Definitely, says internationally |
renowned, Holistic Health pioneer, Sharon
Forrest. Lovingly called Bratty Angel and Life- |
Transformer, she blends science, healing and
ancient wisdom with love and |
laughter. Forrest is founder of The Forrest Foundation
for Effective |
Living, Healthways International, The Center of Integrated
Medicine, |
The Path of the Heart, Sanctuary of Universal Love and
Sacred Journeys.
A healer since early childhood, Forrest coordinates all
disciplines. Sharon has worked with |
many celebrities and leaders in the Spiritual, personal
growth, political, medical and |
holistic health fields. She has been covered on hundreds of
major television and radio shows, and featured in newspapers
world wide. |
Please be informed that the therapies
offered by Sharon Forrest,
Healthways and the Sanctuary of
Universal Love are not in
lieu of medical attention but as a
powerful adjunct. |
Click here to find out why
healnowitstime@gmail.com |